Electrical Panels UPS and SMPS

Short Circuits in the Electrical Panels, Electrical Component enclosures such as PIU, SMPS, UPS, etc. are regular fire threats to any building, with constantly-running electrical equipment sometimes overloaded too are always prone to fire. Minor short circuits can spark major blazes. It is imperative for these locations to be sufficiently protected against damage from such fires.

Typical electrical enclosures include control panels, UPS, transformers/generators, cables, power vaults, SMPS, and other similar enclosures with wires and components, which can spark a fire at any time. Most of these can be found practically in any industrial or commercial space. These instruments are all prone to fires, which may occur due to various reasons, starting from improper installation and wire fatigue to overloaded circuits and equipment failure or malfunction. Should a fire occur in any of these locations, it could spread rapidly, destroying equipment, lives, and even the building

Using Firecheck Quick Suppression System, the fire can be caught at a single location and extinguished before it can spread. It completely avoids the collateral damage that is caused due to other means of extinguishments like Water, Foam, etc. Moreover, because the system utilises a non-damaging, non-corrosive extinguishing agent, there is no significant downtime required to restore the facility to a normal functional level.

Server And Telecommunication Enclosures

In today’s world, communication is key to success for any Business. Nowadays, machines are fitted into a rack of equipment and connected with complex wiring structures. In spite of inbuilt cooling fans, air conditioning, and air ventilation, short circuits and power fluctuation can spark fires that will sweep through a rack, destroying expensive equipment like Servers, Switchers, Routers, and moreover priceless, the irreplaceable data.

For larger organizations, such accidents could mean massive losses in revenue; and even worse - a massive blow to reputation. Firecheck Quick Suppression System is the complete solution to these problems. Not only will it help extinguish these fires before they cause any damage, but it also helps to sound the alarm to alert everyone in the vicinity. It will also help reduce the time and money taken to clean up and re-establish damaged property. Most importantly, it can save a reputation that's taken years to build.

Industrial Equipment Protection

Industries using high-end machinery such as CNC machines, injection moulding machines, generators, printing press, or diagnostic machines are extremely prone to fire. Especially cutting, milling, and grinding processes, which make use of oil-based cooling systems. Even smaller equipment within these factories such as forklifts, generator engines, and alternators always run the risk of overheating and resulting in a fire explosion.

An undetected fire in any of these machines could easily spread to the surrounding areas into the building's structure through the ducting and wiring. This also becomes vulnerable when it comes in contact with other stored items, such as Cooling Oil, Lubricating Oils, Petroleum Products, Spirits, Plastics, Woods and Furniture, etc. Using pre-installed sprinkler systems often doesn't do enough to save the machinery; worse still, collateral damage can often take a toll far heavier than that of the original fire.

Firecheck’s Quick Suppression System is always vigilant and ready to spring into action in case of a fire. Should a fire break out, the heat-sensitive pneumatic modified polyamide tubing will detect the fire and activate the system to douse the flames almost instantaneously.

Commercial Transport

While using Cars, Buses, Trains and Trucks we never think about a fire. However, if you check the news every day there is an incident of either of these catching fires and costing lives and causing serious injuries to people. The impact of fire on any of these public transport systems is tremendous. Most crucially, loss of life.

Using Firecheck Quick Suppression System in vehicles can help instantly detect and extinguish fires. The heat-sensitive modified polyamide tubing remains under pressure and bursts due to the heat and radiant energy of a fire, releasing the extinguishing agent through specially designed nozzles, therefore, flooding the fire zones and extinguishing the fire. It is a fast, reliable solution and can easily be installed in any vehicle old or new.

Kitchen hood Suppression system

While uncontrolled fires themselves are dangerous, kitchen fires make it more vulnerable.

Kitchen fires are more challenging, difficult, and fiercest fires to fight and control. The Kitchen Hoods and the extraction ducts become more dangerous due to grease accumulation and they are more prone to fire accidents.

Once the cooking oil reaches a temperature beyond 350°C, it starts releasing gaseous fumes and ignition to the oil occurs at this level. Simultaneously a chemical reaction chain is also getting started, the super-heated oil starts emitting the gaseous fumes that burns and further increases the temperature of the oil and in minutes the temperature of oil exceeds 600°C, endangering precious lives and destroying expensive kitchen equipment. What’s more, with other inflammable products like LPG or PNG on the premises, the danger is considerably aggravated.

The Firecheck’s Kitchen Suppression System works on Automatic Detection and Quick suppression. It uses Wet Chemical to control the cooking oil fire. The system is designed as per applicable national and international standards.